Macquarie Park BPIP Stage 2
Transport for NSW are improving the road network within the Macquarie Park precinct as part of the Bus Priority Infrastructure Program. This program will increase the reliability and efficiency of bus services while easing congestion for all road users.
Macquarie Park, Sydney NSW
Transport for NSW
Project value
February 2019 - current
Project phase
Concept design, detailed design and construction phase services
Turnbull was engaged by Transport for NSW as the Principal Consultant to deliver the Concept Design, Detailed Design and provide support through construction. We provided:
Project and Design Management
Road design
Pavement design
Signage and line-marking
Road furniture
Street lighting
Structural design
Flood assessment
Stormwater management
Construction staging
Property adjustments
Utility coordination and design
Preservation of survey infrastructure plans
We developed a highly detailed federated model to coordinate the design and resolve spatial conflicts. This model was hosted securely online and made accessible to the client team through a web-browser to support real-time collaboration.
Cost saving
We proposed 6 value engineering changes to the project which resulted in improved community outcomes and TfNSW cost savings in excess of $10 million.
Time saving
We identified several design changes and utility protection strategies that when used together would eliminate a complex relocation of a 500mm cast iron water main under Herring Road, a busy arterial road. This saved the project 8 months of construction and avoided significant traffic disruption.
We modelled the varying pavement treatment thicknesses required across the project to improve the residual life of the pavement and optimised these treatment for night shift construction productivity and to avoid underground clashes.
8 signalised intersections
Upgraded to deliver bus prioritisation and reduce congestion
8 months
in construction program
$10 million
on the project