Our History
Meet founder Chris Turnbull
Chris Turnbull founded Turnbull Engineering to redesign his work life. He was determined to have an impact, be proud of it and enjoy it.
“Founded 2016
Determined to unleash the true potential of himself and future colleagues, Chris founded Turnbull Engineering.”
“First TfNSW design contract
Awarded first Transport for NSW project”
“Road Design Registration
The company moved to our office at 56 Pitt Street Sydney and achieved Transport for NSW Registration for Road Design.”
“First Christmas Party
What better way to celebrate than on a boat?”
“Christmas 2018
Another year, another boat party”
“First multimillion dollar TfNSW design contract
“Christmas 2019
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat””
“50 people strong
With every new employee came a new strength, and in under 4 years Turnbull had grown into a firm able to take on the old guard. ”
“AFR’s ‘Fastest Growing’
Turnbull recognised by the Australian Financial Review as one of the Fastest Growing Company as it cemented growth with contract wins.”
“TfNSW Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO)
“Christmas 2020
We’d outgrown the boat!”
“100 people strong
Turnbull continues to grow from strength to strength”
“Our next big step
Turnbull begins work as the design lead on the Mulgoa Road Upgrade Alliance project”
“Christmas 2022
We’re back on a boat”
Looking to the future