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Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link Stage
The Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) project aims to create improve pedestrian and cyclist facilities by providing a continuous path that links key town centres between Sutherland and Cronulla. The ATL will encourage more people to walk or cycle as a convenient, safe, sustainable and enjoyable transport option. The SCATL project comprises of three stages with SCATL Stage 2 involving an East and West design package.
Caringbah, NSW
Project Value (Capex)
Project Phase
Detailed Design and Construction Phase Services
Start Date
May 2021
End Date
May 2024
Project Highlights
We developed a tree sensitive ATL design to promote the retention of existing high value trees. We sought to minimise the impact on trees where feasible with the use of modelling software and was in active liaison with arborist and tree specialists.
CAD and Dynamo
Dynamo automation enabled the creation of a 3D model for tree Diameter Breast Height (DBH), Structural Root Zone (SRZ) and Tree Protection Zone for clash assessment along the ATL corridor. This enabled the team to identify opportunities for tree retention through alignment optimisation and alternative pavement treatments.
Improved Efficiency
The integration of an automated clash reporting spreadsheet and model updates with CAD leaders through Dynamo represents a vast improvement to conventional design process. By automating clash detection and reporting we have reduced errors and improved efficiency, saving time and resources.
Scope of Services
ATL Alignment Design
Traffic Control System (TCS) Design
Road Adjustment Design
Geotechnical Design
Boardwalk Structural Design
Drainage Adjustment Design
Utility Coordination
3D Modelling
Urban and Landscape Design
"TE have demonstrated above and beyond in terms of collaboration and their approach has contributed significantly to the success of the project."
- Reporting Officer TfNSW